Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friends and Hurricanes

I wanted to apologize, my last post was fairly depressing. Although, to whom I'm apologizing I'm not really sure. I guess anyone- for having to experience my dramatic unhappiness. But have no fear! This post will be much more cheerful.

I've found myself wanting to hug my friends every time I see them. Trey and I were having this conversation last night. I love my friends so much and I am so freaking lucky to have them. To have You. You're awesome. So now I've found myself being a little overzealous in my time with you. I'm all for the bonding time, hugging, talking, cooking, listening. It's all so awesome. We're so lucky to all be able to live together like this. Of course I am also loving and missing my friends from home, and those who don't live here, etc. But it's like, I don't want to miss any minute that I could spend with my friends, unless I'm taking a nap of course. But I even dislike leaving everyone to go to bed at night. I can already tell I'm going to go into withdrawal when I go home Winter break and then next summer...ick. I don't want to think about it.

Completely changing topics, Caitie gave me this link of pictures from Hurricane Ike and the damage it did in Texas. Its so horrible. how can something be so beautiful and so absolutely horrible at the same time. So many people have lost lives, friends and family, homes, pets. It just breaks my heart. They are all in my prayers. I wish people would wise up and realize that the increase in horrible storms is due to the increase in Global Warming. It makes me so furious when people say that global warming isn't true. How the heck can you say something like that just isn't true?!?! We're all going to die because some people don't want to stop driving their SUVs or start recycling. asdfghjkljhgfds. OK, that was a little bit dramatic, but it seriously makes me so angry.

I had a lot more to say on the topic of friends..and other things as well. But seeing as I started this blog 2 days ago and I still haven't finished, kind of takes away my concentration and flow.
Oh well, I'm so excited for tonight! Peace.

I've posted below the link Caitie sent me, see for yourself the devastation...


Matt said...

woot friends that don't live there. that's me.

but I'm sure I'm not the only one :)

Trey said...

I definitely have not seen all of those pictures. That's pretty bad.

But favorite by far: Crocodile crossing the road. hahaa.

Nice post by the way. I feel the same way. = )

marissa said...

=D You boys are my favorite.

And Trey, that was my favorite too..and I knew you would love it...even if when you really think about it all it's very sad. But still...that Crocodile is pretty funny.

Trey said...

I know. He is struttin' his stuff across that street.